There are accomplishments in life that you know you’ll never forget.

This one was unforgettable.

The maps and guides we purchased were quite unclear about a lot of things so we were not too sure about what to expect when we arrived.

We read about how to leave no trace when building a fire, where the 4.5 miles of coastline would not be passable at high tide…that there were most likely bears in the area and the ocean was on one side and forest on the other.

The basics.

We had no idea there would be 30-40 mph gusts of wind as soon as the sun went down and that they would last all night. We learned an REI Campdome is a life saver and will withstand at least 40 mph winds. Although we needed to send the tent poles in for a little straightening.

We learned how much you could look forward to freeze-dried Mac ‘n Cheese and Pad Thai after a long day of hiking.

We learned that mountain spring water tastes about a million times better than anything we get from the tap or store.

We learned just how good a team we are together. And that could be the most important lesson of the trip.




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