How did I know I wanted a photography business??

I’ve always wanted my own business.  Something that gives me my freedoms, challenged me, rewards me and humbles me.  Something that could allow me to be creative while still being able to make a living.  I was always creative growing up but instead of heading to art school I went to business school not really understanding how much my creative streak really meant to my well being.

So, for a few years I got lost…in business, making money for a corporation and ultimately not being as happy as I could have been had I kept my creative-crazy-artist streak alive.

Then one day it hit me after I bought my 1st digital camera (it had been years since I set aside film) and took a few pictures of our family pets.  Would people hire me to create images of their pets?  My family loved the images I sent them for Christmas and their reaction was pure and I loved giving them.

But would I enjoy the pressure of being paid to produce images…would I enjoy dealing with the pet parents…would I enjoy…would I…would…enough, just do it!

So I did!  And I loved it.  Every minute I was on the floor with a pooch licking my face, gnawing on my fingers, licking my lens…I love it.

Practice make perfect and shoot after shoot, client after client I gained confidence in my abilities and learned that I really do enjoy all aspects of this.  That’s when I knew it was time to transition to weddings.  And guess what…I love it!

Here are the 1st pictures that gave me the idea.  This is not your normal pet photography  =)



And the next blog post will be all about Kotah!


Photography sets me free…