My new friend and amazing florist Paula Rae and I wanted to create something together.  The more we chat, the more we have in common.  I’m inspired by her work…as you will see, it’s amazing.  And I believe my passion for creating images inspires her.  In one of our first conversations she mentioned her love for fresh organic foods and I mentioned how much fun I have pretty much every weekend at the Farmer’s Market.

Talking more and more our ideas began to gain traction.  In the middle of a hectic wedding weekend we decided to get up early and head out to the Hillcrest Farmer’s Market with 5 of Paula’s creations in hand.  Look at how stunning her bouquet’s are!  The combination of colors and textures makes my mouth water.  Hopefully this will be as much an inspiration for you as it is for us


More ideas are in works…leave some comment love.  We’d love to hear from you!

Photography sets me free…
