I grew up in central Illinois, Champaign to be exact.  It’s a great place producing wholesome corn-fed peeps.  However, compared to other parts of the country, namely California =), it’s somewhat geographically challenged.  A couple words to describe Champaign, Illinois at the surface would be…landlocked and flat.  Full of woods, plains, meadows and corn fields in the more rural areas.

Experiencing Illinois for 15 years makes me really appreciate living here in San Diego; it’s an amazing part of the country. We have oceans and mountains…sand and snow…and everything in between.  It’s amazing to me and I love every minute of it.

So I asked myself, why not capture it?  Why not share it?  Sharing is caring so I’ll be posting an image a week for the month of April dedicated to the eye candy of California.


Hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed taking it.  If you’re near it, take a dip. Don’t waste any more time!

Photography sets me free…
