I lost count.

The number of times we took a horseshoe turn looking straight down a rocky ledge was countless. It was an amazing and frightening drive. 2+ hours of going up, up, up. The views were getting better and better but they were teasers…little peeks of Kings Canyon through the tallest pine trees I’ve ever seen.

I didn’t really know what we were in for. I knew there was horses involved, a trail ride and good memories with my mom and step-father. But I really had no idea we would see this. Totally amazed.

California at its finest right here. And more importantly, great memories.

Here we are on horseback with our trail guides.  On the right…my mom and our trail guide as we all take a little break and soak in the view.


And this was our view.  Completely amazing…


I love this next shot…I’m my harshest critic and can find something wrong with every image, but this one I love.   img_2558w

Hope you enjoyed this little series!!

Photography sets me free…
