The title of this post says it all.  In case you haven’t read my bio, I’m a huge Pearl Jam fan and have been for many years.  Eddie is a lyrical genius (in my opinion), and the band has consistently delivered music that resonates with me.

I’m a fan.

When one of my brides called me the other day to ask for my address to send me something…I had to know.  I’m thrilled with a thank you note…a nice card…but when she told me that they were hanging with Eddie in Santa Barbara after his set at the Bowl…she knew I was fan and asked him to sign something for me.  Wait…what?!?

But let’s back up here…the fact that she thought of her wedding photographer while hanging with one of the biggest rock stars on the planet is amazing to me.  This is an incredibly thoughtful gift, and I’m flattered to have received it.  C, thank you!!



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