Chicago was an amazing trip for a lot of different reasons.  The food was one of those reasons so I thought I would post a few frames from some the places we enjoyed.

Ians Pizza in Wriglyville.  This is what you call a double heart attack.  Mac&Cheese pizza on the left!  Not joking…so good.  And Fettuccine pizza on the right.  I didn’t eat the next day because I was still full from the carb overload.

The pizza gods smiled upon us when we arrived at La Madia .  This pie here is THE reason to go.  Sorry, all other pizzas don’t compare.  Cracked organic egg, prosciutto and black pepper.  Yes, cracked egg…and it was amazing.

Lincoln Park hole in the wall tacos which were amazing.  Went back twice by the way.  And Epic Bruger…so hungry I forgot to snap a pic before I dug in.  Sorry! 

And we save the best for last…XOCO.  If you’ve never heard of Rick Bayless you have now and need to eat his food.  Early and often.  Best sandwiches in town.

The Cubana on the right was mine.  Not sure what my brother ate on the left. 

Prok belly…only served on Wednesdays

This is my personal favorite…the ahogada.  It’ll change you life.  Unbelievable. 

Hope you enjoyed…I’m working on more weddings but needed a breather so stay tuned, much more to come!

Photography sets me free…
